The Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society promotes sustainable & organic farming practices across the state.
What Nebraska Sustainble Agriculture Society (NSAS) Offers:
- Farmer-to-farmer learning opportunities & networking events
- Farm tours & local food events for the public
- Annual Healthy Farms Conference
- Member-only email listserv
The Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society (NSAS) was founded over fifty years ago by a group of farmers that recognized the need to change the way food is produced.
NSAS is a member-based grass roots organization that supports an environment of collaboration and education among farmers and non-farmers that support sustainable agriculture. Over the years, NSAS has been awarded countless grants to support peer-to-peer learning among the Nebraska farming community from field days and food safety workshops to beginning farmer meet-ups. NSAS brings folks to the table to learn, grow, and support a food system that builds healthy land, people, communities, and quality of life.
One of the most influential roles NSAS has played in our state is by connecting new/beginning farmers with experienced farmers. Building that network through events and their email listserv has helped keep the glue of the sustainable agricultural community alive in the state today.
Farmer or non-farmer, the NSAS Healthy Farms Conference is a place to learn more about where our food comes from, sustainable growing practices, & connect with a likeminded community.
The Mission of NSAS:
Promoting agriculture and food systems that build healthy land, healthy people, healthy communities, and healthy quality of life, for present and future generations.
Support NSAS Today!
How to connect with NSAS:
- Website
- Join as a member or donate today
- Attend their annual Healthy Farms Conference
- Contact Information