Farmers' Markets Farms Grocers & Retailers Restaurants & Caterers Aggregators & Distributors Food Businesses Region - Any -Central NebraskaLincoln AreaNortheast NebraskaOmaha AreaSoutheast NebraskaWestern Nebraska Products - Any - dehydrated foodArtisan/Craft (handmade by seller)Baked Goodsbeard oilcandlesCoco bombscoffeeConcession Food (ready to eat food)DairyEggsFishFlowersFresh VegetablesFruitFruitsGrains and Dried BeansHerbsHouse and garden plantslip balmMeat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic MeatOther (please specify)PoultrySeedssoapsTrees and TransplantsValue Added ProductsValue Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food)Vegetableswax melts Methods of Sale - Any -CSADirect Sales - Call or EmailFarmers' MarketsHome deliveryIn town drop sitesOn Farm StoreOnline OrderingU-PickWholesale Meat & Poultry - Any -BeefBisonChickenDuckFarmed SalmonGooseLambPorkRabbitStewing ChickensTilapiaTurkey Value Added Products - Any -and other delicious items created in our commercial kitchen.artisan crackers and specialty seasoningsBaba GanoushBaked GoodsBath BombsBBQ SauceBiocharBody Care ProductsBone BrothBooksBratsBulk Dried GoodsCandlesCanned FruitCast Iron WaxCiderComb HoneyCreamed HoneyDehydrated HerbsDehydrated VegetablesDried ApplesDried Decorative MaterialsExtractsFermented FoodsFreeze-dried bone brothGingerGluten Free MixesGoat and Cows milk cheesesGourmet SpicesGranola; BeeswaxHand made noodles. And home made breadsHive ProductsHoneyHoney CombHopsHummusItalian pastasJams/JelliesKatsupLardLip BalmLotionsMeat RubsMustardOrnamental CornPasta saucePecan shell mulchPecansPet Treatspicantepickled beetsPicklespickles,sauerkrautPizza dough mixesPopcorn ProductsPork & Beef JerkyPotpourriPreserved VegetablesSalsaSauces & CondimentsSeasonal Baked goodsShampoosShower SteamersSkincareSoapsSoup MixesSpices and spice blendsSunflower OilSyrupsTallowTeasVinegarsWalnuts-BlackWax and PollenWood WaxYou PIck Cut Flowers A&T Farms, Inc. Farmer 10496 North 234th Street Valley, Nebraska 68064 402-779-5787 Products: Fruits Vegetables Email Website Facebook A+ Berry 1901 N. 21st Street, Suite 271 Lincoln, NE 69508 402-803-0402 Email Website Facebook Instagram Al-Be Farm Farmer Julian, NE 68379 402-274-8836 Products: Eggs Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Anchor Meadow Farm Farmer 2297 A St Rd Milford , NE 68405 402-613-5483 Products: Herbs Eggs Value Added Products Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Ar-Dot Farmstead Foods Farmer 765 County Rd.12 Blvd. Scribner, NE 68057 402-380-0214 Products: Vegetables Eggs Value Added Products Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Barada Hills Trading Co., LLC Farmer 71986 651 Ave Shubert, NE 68437 816-341-9881 Products: Vegetables Eggs Value Added Products Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Beatrice Farmers' Market Farmers Market 318 North 6th St. Beatrice, NE 68310 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: May 15 - Oct 9 Thursdays 4:00pm - 6:30pm Email Website Facebook Beauty View Farm Farmer 2075 Co Rd K Wahoo , NE 68066 402-443-7240 Products: Dairy Email Website Facebook Beavers Produce Farmer 1390 Third St. Rogers, NE 68659 402-669-8142 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Email Website Facebook Bennet Farmers' Market Farmers Market Village Park Bennet, NE 68317 402-326-6485 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Eggs Dairy Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: May 3 - Sept 27 Wednesdays 4 pm - 6 pm Email Website Facebook Benson Bounty Farmer 6915 Evans St. Omaha, NE 68104 402-214-7365 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Instagram Big Muddy Urban Farm Farmer Omaha, NE 68131 402-213-9646 Products: Vegetables Herbs Eggs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Instagram Briar Rose Farms Farmer 63034 716 Humboldt, NE 68376 402 862 5016 Products: Vegetables Herbs Dairy Eggs Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Bright Hope Family Farm Farmer Firth, NE 68358 402-450-9715 Products: Vegetables Herbs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Instagram Callahan Creek Pumpkins Farmer 12318 262nd Street Ashland, NE 68003 4029442585 Products: Fruits Vegetables Email Website Classen Land & Cattle- Mercantile Farmer 237 S 2nd Street Albion, NE 68620 919-895-8012 Products: Value Added Products Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Common Good Farm Farmer Raymond, NE 68428 402-783-9005 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Community Crops Farmer Lincoln, NE 68527 402-474-9802 Products: Vegetables Herbs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Instagram Cottage Hill Farm Farmer 12000 E Hoyt Rd. Filley, NE 68357 402-768-1145 Products: Vegetables Eggs Email Website Facebook Instagram Cottonwood Hill Farms Farmer 110 5th Street McClelland, IA 51548 402-926-6268 Products: Dairy Eggs Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Country Lane Gardens LLC Farmer 5132 East 8th St. Columbus, NE 68601 402-276-3438 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Curious Roots Herb Farm Farmer Louisville, Nebraska 68037 402-980-5917 Products: Value Added Products Herbs Email Website Facebook Instagram D & D BEEF LLC Farmer Herman, NE 68029 402-237-1489 Products: Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Daniel Kostka Farmer Nebraska City, Nebraska 68410 651-738-1189 Products: Fruits Dates Open: By appointment only. Email Daniels Produce Farmer 37831 205th St. Columbus, NE 68601-6500 402-897-4253 Products: Vegetables Herbs Value Added Products Email Website Facebook DANTE Restaurant Caterer 16901 Wright Plaza #173 Omaha, NE 68130 4029323078 Email Website Facebook Instagram Dixon County Farmers' Market Farmers Market 119 Third St. Ponca, NE 68770 402.889.8485 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs dehydrated food Dates Open: May - Oct (2nd and 4th weekends) Fridays Saturdays Fri: 5 pm - 7 pm, Sat: 9 am - 1 pm Email Facebook DND Farms Farmer Prague, NE 68050 402-432-0862 Products: Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook DS Family Farm Farmer 13550 W US Hwy 34 Malcolm, NE 68402 402-796-2208 Products: Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram East Campus Discovery Days and Farmers Market Farmers Market 310 Ag Hall Lincoln, NE 68583 402-472-7080 Dates Open: June 14th, July 12th, and August 9th, from 10 am to 1 pm Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm Email Website Facebook Instagram Ellsworth Crossing Restaurant Distributor Food Cooperative Grocery Store Retail Store 26902 West Center Rd Waterloo, NE 68069 402-359-8747 Email Website Facebook Emerald Acres Farmer 700 NW 91st St. Lincoln, NE 68528 402-480-8197 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Farm Girl Fresh Market Farmer Mitchell, NE 69357 308-225-0128 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Facebook Instagram Fat Head Honey Farms Farmer 1531 County Road 7 Clarkson, NE 68629 402-910-7028 Products: Value Added Products Email Website Facebook Instagram Feather Star Farm Farmer Morse Bluff, Nebraska 68648 402-719-5768 Products: Vegetables Email Website Facebook Instagram Food4Hope Farmer Beatrice, NE 68310 402-306-7561 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Dairy Eggs Value Added Products Email Website Freed Produce Farms Farmer 229 Nobes St. Holdrege, NE 68949 308-991-3650 Products: Vegetables Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Instagram Fruit of Levine LLC Farmer Omaha, NE 68142 402-312-9560 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Gare Bear Honey Farmer 2627 S 34 Lincoln, NE 68506 4025258098 Products: Value Added Products Email Website Facebook Instagram GI Acres Farmer 4311 W 13th St. Grand Island, NE 68803 308-379-3882 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Email Website Facebook Graf Bees Local Food Processor Business 110 N Main St, PO Box 233 Emerson, NE 68733 308-962-4376 Email Facebook Grain Place Farm Local Food Processor Business 1904 N Hwy14 Marquette, NE 68854 501-765-2732 Email Website Facebook Instagram Great Plains Nursery 3074 County Road i WESTON, NE 68070 402-540-4801 Email Website Facebook Instagram Green School Farms Farmer 3740 Everett St. Lincoln, NE 68506 402-570-4382 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Instagram GreenLeaf Farms Farmer Omaha , NE 68144 402-614-0404 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website GROW Nebraska Retail Store Business 421 W. Talmadge St. Suite #1 Kearney, NE 68845 308-338-3520 Email Website Facebook Instagram Hastings Downtown Market Farmers Market 2nd Street & Saint Joseph Hastings, NE 68901 402-469-5065 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: June 8th - Aug 31 Tuesdays 5pm - 7:30 pm Email Website Facebook Instagram Haymarket Farmers' Market Farmers Market 7th & P St. Lincoln, NE 68508 402-435-7496 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Poultry Dates Open: May 6 - Oct 14 Saturdays 8 am - Noon Email Website Facebook Heartland Nuts Distributor Retail Store Local Food Processor Business 206 West 2nd St. Box 489 Valparaiso, NE 68065 402-784-6887 Email Website Facebook Heritage Acres Online Market Business Keystone Business Center McCook, NE 69001 308-340-9872 Email Website Facebook Instagram Heritage Local Co - Kearney Farmers Market Online Kearney, NE 308-340-9872 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Dairy Poultry Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Other (please specify) Dates Open: April 2 - December 19 Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Email Website Facebook Instagram Heritage Local Co. - McCook Farmers Market Online McCook, NE 308-340-9872 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Dairy Poultry Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: April 2 - December 19 Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Email Website Facebook Instagram Heritage Local Co. - NorthPlatte Farmers Market Online North Platte, NE 308-340-9872 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Dairy Poultry Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: April 2 - December 19 Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Email Website Facebook Instagram Hintz Produce Farmer 1610 Dove Rd Hebron, NE 68370 402-768-1621 Products: Vegetables Herbs Eggs Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Hub Café Restaurant Caterer Business 250 N 21st St. Lincoln, NE 68503 402-474-2453 Email Website Facebook Instagram Huerto Regenerativo NaTerra LLC Farmer 1450 35 1/2 County Road David City, Nebraska 68632 402-747-0067 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Hunter's Honey Farmer 17000 Leisure Ct. Hickman, NE 68372 402-792-2345 Products: Value Added Products Email Website Facebook Johnson Farm Farmer North Bend, NE 68649 402-652-3769 Products: Vegetables Herbs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Facebook KrazyWoman Orchard Farmer 385 CR 16 Scribner, NE 68507 402-719-6161 Products: Fruits Value Added Products Email Facebook Lambert Melons Farmer 49343 852nd Rd. Erwing, NE 68735 402-340-3646 Products: Fruits Vegetables Email Website Facebook Legacy Farmers' Market Farmers Market W Center Road & S 168th Street Omaha, NE Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Dairy Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: May 6 - Oct 7 Saturdays 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Email Facebook Leon's Gourmet Grocer Grocery Store Business 2200 Winthrop Rd. Lincoln , NE 68502 402-488-2307 Email Website Facebook Instagram Little Mountain Ranch and Garden LLC Farmer 8565 County Road 41 Ft Calhoun, NE 68023 765-585-2723 Products: Vegetables Herbs Eggs Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Little Town Gardens Farmer 11465 Pawnee Rd. Gibbon, NE 68840 308-216-1192 Products: Vegetables Herbs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Lone Tree Foods Distributor Business 220 P St. Lincoln, NE 68508 402-413-0079 Email Website Facebook Instagram Martin's Hillside Orchard LLC Farmer 2024 Ashland Rd. Ceresco, NE 68017 402-665-2140 Products: Fruits Vegetables Value Added Products Email Website Facebook Instagram Meadowlark Hearth Organic Seed 120024 Everett Dr. Scottsbluff, NE 69361 308-632-3399 Email Website Facebook Megan's Market Farmer 3793 CR 34 Gering, NE 69341 308-631-4660 Products: Fruits Vegetables Eggs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Milkweed Kitchen Caterer Business 6220 Havelock Ave. Lincoln, NE 68507 402-730-4372 Email Website Facebook Instagram Mystic Rhoads Productions Inc. (MRP) Local Food Processor Business Lincoln, NE 402-617-5214 Email Website Facebook Nebraska Food Coop Distributor Food Cooperative Business Lincoln, NE 800-993-2379 Email Website Facebook Nebraska Heritage Turkeys Farmer Bradshaw, NE 68319 402-380-0412 Products: Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society Business Lincoln, NE 402-235-6743 Email Website Facebook Instagram Nelson Produce Farm Farmer 10505 N 234th St Valley, Nebraska 68064 402-830-0567 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram No More Empty Pots Caterer Distributor Local Food Processor Business 8511 North 30th St. Omaha, NE 68112 402-933-3588 Email Website Facebook Instagram Nutt Family Country Market Farmer Ravenna, NE 68869 308-440-7833 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Oak Barn Beef Farmer 706 S Lincoln St West Point, NE 68788 402-269-0036 Products: Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Omaha Farmers Market - Aksarben Village Farmers Market Aksarben Village Omaha, NE 68106 402-320-1896 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Dairy Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: May 4 - Oct 12 Sundays 9 am - 1 pm Email Website Facebook Instagram Omaha Farmers Market - Old Market Farmers Market 11th & Jackson St. Omaha, NE 68102 402- 320-1896 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Dairy Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: May 3 - Oct 11 Saturdays 8 am - 12:30 pm Email Website Facebook Instagram Open Harvest Co-op Grocery Business 330 S 21st Street, Suite #104 Lincoln, NE 68502 402-475-9069 Email Website Facebook Instagram Painter Produce Farmer 330 S.A. Rd. Henry, NE 69358 308-247-1003 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Grains and Dried Beans Eggs Value Added Products Email Website Facebook Paradise in Progress Farm Farmer 1146 N 58th Rd. Nebraska City, NE 68410 402-874-9540 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Facebook Pearson's Pumpkin Place Farmer 1357 N. 6th Rd Eagle, NE 68347 402-616-9361 Products: Vegetables Email Website Facebook Instagram Pekarek's Produce Farmer 2447 O Rd. Dwight, NE 68635 402-641-3305 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Picnic Hill Orchard Farmer 10500 Yankee Hill Rd. Lincoln, NE 68526 402-417-0734 Products: Fruits Vegetables Value Added Products Email Website Facebook Instagram Prairie Pride Acres Farmer 4059 West Schimmer Drive Grand Island, NE 68803 402-217-2797 Products: Vegetables Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Raikes Beef Co. Farmer 1408 Silver St. Ashland, NE 68003 402-944-2474 Products: Value Added Products Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Roberts Seed Inc. Local Food Processor Business 982 22 Rd. Axtell, NE 68924 308-743-2565 Email Website Facebook Robinette Farms Distributor Retail Store 17675 Southwest 14th St Martell, NE 68404 402-794-4025 Email Website Facebook Instagram Salt Creek Farmers' Cooperative Farmer 14153 S 46th St Roca, NE 68430 3038170189 Products: Vegetables Herbs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Setting D Ranch LLC Farmer 206 North Main Litchfield , NE 68852 308-367-6326 Products: Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Seward Farmers Market on the Square Farmers Market Courthouse Square Seward , NE 68354 402-641-4670 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs House and garden plants Dates Open: May 17 - Oct 28 Wednesdays Saturdays Wed 5-7 pm, Sat 8 am-12 pm Email Facebook ShadowBrook Farm & Dutch Girl Creamery Farmer 2201 West Denton Rd. Lincoln , NE 68523 402-413-9764 Products: Vegetables Herbs Dairy Eggs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Shalom Farms Farmer Lincoln, NE Products: Dairy Eggs Email Website Facebook Sicily Creek Jellies and Produce Farmer 2333 west P.W.F. Rd. Blue Springs, NE 68318 402-645-8396 Products: Fruits Vegetables Value Added Products Email Sky Chief Springs Farmer 41279 Hwy 6&34 Cambridge, NE 69022 4028534466 Products: Vegetables Herbs Value Added Products Email Website Facebook Instagram Sleepy Bees Lavender Farm Farmer 27500 S 38th St. Firth, NE 68358 402-730-2508 Products: Herbs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Instagram Slezak Ag & Natural Resources, Slezak Podniky Farmer 2111 Road L Milligan, NE 68406 402-366-4267 Products: Vegetables Grains and Dried Beans Value Added Products Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website SR Pumpkin and Flower Farm Farmer 5811 Davey Road Lincoln, NE 68017 402-321-9976 Products: Vegetables Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Instagram Stick Figure Farm Farmer Hartington, NE 68739 402-254-9183 Products: Fruits Value Added Products Email Straight Arrow Bison LLC Farmer 79330 Sumner Rd. Broken Bow, NE 68822 308-870-4045 Products: Value Added Products Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Sunday Farmers' Market at College View Farmers Market 4801 Prescott Ave. Lincoln, NE 68506 402-217-9215 Products: Baked Goods Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Dairy Poultry Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: April 30 - October 29 Sundays 10am - 2pm Email Website Facebook Instagram Sutton Farmers' Market Farmers Market Sutton City Park Pavilion Sutton, NE 68979 402-773-0195 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: July 8 - Sept 30 Saturdays 8 am - 12 pm Email Website Facebook The Hoagland Homestead Farmer Inland, NE 68954 402-469-5065 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Facebook Instagram The Hog Yard Farmer West Point, NE 68788 402-440-3734 Products: Value Added Products Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram Third Day Microgreens, LLC Farmer Grand Island, NE 68801 308-370-1201 Products: Vegetables Email Website Facebook Instagram Thursday Farmers Market Farmers Market 600 Fallbrook Blvd. Lincoln, NE 68521 308-216-0411 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: June 8 - Oct 12, every other week Thursdays 4 pm - 7 pm Email Facebook TLC Country Floral Farmer 1442 County Rd. 18 Hooper, NE 68031 402-654-2058 Products: Herbs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Trackside Farm Farmer Hickman, NE 68372 267-331-1070 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Facebook Twin Springs Pecans Farmer 17955 S 148th St. Bennet, NE 68317 402-525-8071 Products: Value Added Products Email Website Facebook Walnut Range Farms Farmer Alma, NE 68920 308-920-1275 Products: Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Wayne Farmers' Market Farmers Market 510 Pearl St. Wayne, NE 68787 402-375-2240 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Fresh Vegetables Fruit Herbs Eggs Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Dates Open: June 10- mid October Wednesdays Saturdays Wed 4-6 pm, Sat 9 am-Noon Email Facebook Wellman Wagyu Farmer 12600 Mill Rd Waverly , NE 68462 4024162895 Products: Poultry Fish Meat, Poultry, Fish, & Aquatic Meat Email Website Facebook Instagram West End Farm Farmer 57975 721st Rd. Plymouth, NE 68424 402-239-9822 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Eggs Value Added Products Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Wildflour Grocer Grocery Store Business 112 S 4th St. ONeill, NE 68763 402-336-8988 Email Website Facebook Instagram Winter Farmer's Market Farmers Market 2930 Old Oregon Trail Gering, NE 69341 Products: Baked Goods Artisan/Craft (handmade by seller) Concession Food (ready to eat food) Fresh Vegetables Herbs Eggs Value Added Products (example: salsa, honey, jams/jellies, pet treats, dehydrated food) Coco bombs candles wax melts soaps beard oil lip balm coffee Dates Open: November - end of March Saturdays 11am - 2pm Email Facebook Instagram Yankee Hill Landscape Co., Inc. Farmer 11855 Yankee Hill Rd. Lincoln, NE 68526 402-416-2611 Products: Fruits Vegetables Herbs Flowers Seeds Trees and Transplants Email Website Facebook Instagram