What's In Season?
Winter greens, storage crops, meats , mushrooms & more!
In Nebraska we're known for our windy, harsh winters but below freezing temperatures and short days don't stop the flow of good local food!
Local farms grow hearty autumn crops that can be stored throughout the winter and use season extension techniques like hoophouses where they grow freshly harvested vegetables like lettuce and carrots.
Locally raised turkey, beef, pork and chicken are often taken to the processor in fall or winter and can be purchased straight from the farmer.
Specialty products like mushrooms and microgreens are available all year round because they are grown indoors. Goods like jams and jellies, honey, dried herbs and seasonings, hot sauces, and syrups preserve the sweetness and heat of summer so that we can use them all winter long.
Use these winter ingredients direct from your local farmer :
- Beets
- Potatoes
- Winter Squash
- Sweet Potatoes
- Garlic
- Onions
- Radishes
- Turnips
- Carrots
- Parsnips
- Lettuce
- Spinach
- Kale
- Microgreens
- Mushrooms
- Turkey
- Beef
- Pork
- Chicken
- Cheese
- Milk
- Eggs
- Jams & Jellies
- Seasonings like herb salts, dried herbs, and hot peppers
- Honey
- Elderberry syrup
Where to find local?
Direct from the farmer is best! But local foods can also be found in abundance at farmers' markets and locally-owned grocery stores. Search in our online food directory to find local food near you.
Your tastebuds will thank you!
Online Food GuideTaste the Local Difference
Discover Seasonal Cooking
Georgia Jones, Extension Food Specialist & Associate Professor of Nutrition and Health Sciences, is a food scientist by training, but a foodie by practice. Visit Georgia's website to discover easy and fun recipes that use seasonal ingredients!
Discover Seasonal Cooking