Producer Videos

Producer Videos

Grow with the Flow greenhouse


Through a Nebraska State Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Grant, BFBLN was able to produce the following videos. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin fringilla, leo quis luctus tristique, est purus egestas tellus, id imperdiet leo sapien quis quam. Sed efficitur varius nibh, eu facilisis sapien. Integer semper, eros a fringilla pellentesque, mauris nisl pretium dolor, sed molestie elit orci eget magna. Duis viverra risus tincidunt ornare feugiat. Donec enim nulla, viverra nec tincidunt eu, convallis tristique magna. In pulvinar velit a nulla condimentum, sed euismod est mollis.

Grow with the Flow

An aquaculture operation. Live goldfish tanks provides hydroponic nutrients for plants. Plants are arranged on poles so water flows top to bottom.

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Oak Ridge Farm

Hydroponic greenhouse near Ord.  They market pretty widely, you may see them in Lincoln, HyVee and others.  They are also suppling some produce to Lincoln Public Schools.

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