Meet Riley Reinke of Cottage Hill Farm in Filley, Nebraska!
What Cottage Hill Farm offers :
- Eggs from pasture-raised hens
- Honey
- Chemical Free Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs
“Cottage Hill Farm seeks to cultivate environmental and human health through regenerative farming by producing eggs, honey and produce for consumers in our local communities.”
Riley Reinke grows diverse produce, raises laying hens, and tends to beehives on his family farm in Gage Country Nebraska. Cottage Hill Farm is the manifestation of Reinke’s passion for small, regenerative farming, a passion he found while in engineering school. Cottage Hill Farm grew from a garden plot to small farm that has been producing chemical-free food since 2016.
“I am honored to be your farmer and to be able to share my passion and knowledge in a way that is beneficial to you and to our local ecosystem.”
In addition to produce and honey, Cottage Hill Farm raises and sells delicious, fresh eggs. Laying hens are on grass and pasture, which lets them do what they do best- scratch the ground, and eat insects. Cancel your netflix subscription, because nothing beats observing a chicken hunt for insects – it is filled with drama! Because their diet is varied and full of protein the hens lay eggs with dark orange, big yolks with lots of flavor.